
We are delighted that you are working with JobMatcha and we are keen to provide you with information that will help you settle into your new job and which you will find useful during your assignment.

This handbook provides you with a high-level summary of our key policies and procedures, which serve as a guide and framework to ensure that all workers are treated fairly and consistently. They help create a positive work environment where everyone can feel supported, and should be your “go-to” manual for any HR-related questions.

No element of this handbook (nor the separate policies and procedures) form part of your contract of employment unless explicitly stated otherwise in your contract of employment. It is very much an evolving document which we are keep as up-to-date as possible and so, whilst we will always try to give reasonable notice of any significant changes to this handbook, we do reserve the right to amend or withdraw any of the provisions in the handbook without notice.

This handbook is not an exhaustive source of information and if you can’t find the information you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to speak to your JobMatcha contact or the People Team.

We believe that by following these policies & procedures, we can protect the rights of all workers and develop a strong culture that benefits everyone.

Our Code of Ethics


The team behind JobMatcha® is a highly experienced partnership of professionals from the Construction, Recruitment and Technology Sectors, brought together to help create positive experiences for clients and candidates.

We hope that JobMatcha® can play a small part in disrupting the worst elements of the legacy supply chain, helping to provide compliance and oversight to our clients, whilst creating greater transparency, increased value and more opportunity for workers.

We’re committed to “doing the right thing” and conducting business with the highest ethical standards.  We pride ourselves on delivering a personal, tailored service – to both our candidates and to our clients and our focus every day is to deliver excellence with honesty and integrity.

For more information contact the JobMatcha People Team, or contact me at mwoodcock@jobmatcha.com

Mark Woodcock, CEO

Our Mission

  • To Protect the Employer – providing competence and compliance in the Supply Chain
  • To Empower the Worker – providing local opportunities and the means to develop a career in the sector
  • To Deliver Benefit to our Communities – providing tools to our partners to enable the delivery of Social Value

Core Values

We are REAL: We will act with authenticity, honesty, transparency, and fairness in all our dealings.

We are UNITED: We will work collaboratively with each other, with clients and candidates, creating a shared sense of Community

We will leave a LEGACY: We intend to deliver a lasting positive impact that extends beyond our own time and contributions.

We are EMPOWERED: We encourage a culture of trust and autonomy, helping to drive innovation and ownership.

Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities

We are committed to fostering a workplace environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination.

JobMatcha is committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees and applicants, regardless of their:

  • Race
  • Colour
  • Nationality
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Disability
  • Age

We prohibit any form of discrimination or harassment based on these protected characteristics. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Direct discrimination (treating someone less favorably because of a protected characteristic)
  • Indirect discrimination (applying a rule or condition that puts people with a protected characteristic at a disadvantage)
  • Harassment (engaging in unwanted behavior that is related to a protected characteristic)

Key Principles

  • Respect: Treat all individuals with respect and dignity.
  • Fairness: Ensure that all employees are treated fairly and impartially.
  • Inclusivity: Promote a workplace culture that values diversity and welcomes all individuals.
  • Transparency: Be open and honest in our communications and decision-making.
  • Integrity: Act with honesty and integrity in all our dealings.


  • Employees: All employees are responsible for adhering to this Code of Ethics and treating others with respect.
  • Managers: Managers are responsible for creating a positive and inclusive work environment and for addressing any instances of discrimination or harassment.
  • Company: The company is responsible for implementing policies and procedures to promote non-discrimination and equal opportunities.

Reporting and Investigation

Any employee who believes they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment should report the incident to their manager or HR representative. All reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly.

Our Environmental Impact

We believe all businesses are responsible for achieving good environmental practice and operating in a sustainable manner.

We are therefore committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral and fundamental part of our Company strategy and operating methods. It is our priority to encourage our customers, suppliers and all Company associates to do the same, to help us deliver on our duty of care towards future generations.

For further information, please refer to the Environmental Policy.

Private Interests

Integrity is very important to us. If you know of any situation that could create a conflict of interest with the Company, e.g. you have links with a competitor, or know somebody/something that could influence the award of a contract, it is essential that you declare this  immediately so that we can take steps to mitigate any associated risks.

Standards of Conduct

Behaviours required by the Company are intended to underpin and clarify the standards required by the Company of its team members.

We ask that at all times, you conduct yourself in such a way as to enhance the reputation of the Company, whether it is over email, telephone or face-to-face. We expect all of our employees, temporary/agency workers, interim, contractors and consultants to be professional, courteous, efficient, honest, respectful and fully compliant with relevant legal and regulatory codes and guidance.

All workers hold a responsibility to act as ambassadors for the Company in terms of their general conduct both within and outside the Company. We encourage all employees to familiarise themselves with the following policies and procedures:

  • Anti-Bribery Policy & Procedure – bribery is the offering or accepting of any gift, loan, payment, reward or advantage for personal gain as an encouragement to do something which is dishonest, illegal or a breach of trust.

The purpose of this policy is to convey to all the rules in relation to our unequivocal stance towards the eradication of bribery and our commitment to ensuring that the Company conducts its business in a fair, professional and legal manner.

In particular, please ensure you understand the rules around the gifting and receiving of gifts and hospitality.

  • Alcohol & Drugs Policy – you must not drink alcohol or take drugs during working time. The use, possession, storage, transportation, promotion and/or sale of drugs is forbidden during working time, whether in the workplace or at another location on Company time.

During some work-related events, whether with or without clients, alcohol may be readily available. Employees at these events are permitted to drink alcohol but must not allow themselves to surpass reasonable levels, become intoxicated or allow their judgement to become impaired. This includes ceasing to drink alcohol when asked to by a manager where that manager reasonably believes that the employee is at risk of causing offence or harm to others, harm to themselves, reputational damage to the Company and/or behaving in an unprofessional manner.

  • Anti-Harassment & Bullying Policy & Procedure – as an employee you are expected to behave appropriately and professionally at all times during the working day, and this may extend to events outside of working hours that are classed as work-related such as social events. You must not engage in discriminatory, harassing or aggressive behaviour towards any other person at any time. If you experience any inappropriate behaviour (or witness inappropriate behaviour) please raise this with your JobMatcha contact
  • Equality & Diversity Policy – we embrace the differences and recognise you as individuals – it is this diversity that contributes to our success. We want everyone to feel valued and included. It is important that during interactions with your colleagues, or at work-related social events, you adhere to the Equality & Diversity Policy (and related policies such as the Transgender Equality Policy) which safeguard individuals from bullying and harassment on the grounds of a protected characteristic i.e. age, maternity and pregnancy, marriage and civil partnership, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, expression and identity, sexual orientation and sex. If you experience any inappropriate behaviour (or witness inappropriate behaviour) please raise this with your JobMatcha contact.
  • Smoke-Free Workplace Policy – please ensure you avoid smoking (which includes use of e-cigarettes) on Company premises or in Company vehicles. Smoking/vaping should be limited to break times only, only in designated smoking/vaping areas.
  • Timekeeping Policy & Procedure – please ensure you report to work punctually and observe your hours of work as set out in your contract of employment. If you are running late for work, it is important to contact your line manager as soon as possible.

In addition to the above policies, please notify your JobMatcha contact immediately if you are arrested or charged with a summons on a criminal or civil charge during your employment with us, regardless of the offence.


The holiday year is 1 January to 31 December. So that we have sufficient cover, it is important that your holiday is approved  before you start booking travel or making holiday plans.

Your individual entitlement to holiday can be found in your contract. Part time employees have a holiday entitlement which is pro rata of a full-time employee’s entitlement.

For further information on holiday rules, please refer to the Holiday Policy & Procedure.

Please email the JobMatcha People Team for more information about our Policies and Procedures

Site Safety Instructions

JobMatcha is committed to ensuring excellent health, safety and welfare for our team and the local communities we work within. You can view our policy here:

Site Safety Instructions

You can also find tailored advice at the Health & Safety Executive to show what you need to do to meet your legal responsibilities for health and safety

Help is here

We have curated some useful resources for helping to navigate your concerns – whether it be Health & Safety, Financial or Emotional support.